Monday, December 7, 2009

Extra Credit

Philosophy 110: Introduction to Ethics

Extra Credit

Earn 10 points of extra credit for every question answered correctly, up to 100 points.

Ethical Relativism

What is the basic principle of ethical relativism?

What are some problems that arise for relativism? Which apply to benign relativists, which to debunking relativists, and which to both?

Plato: Euthyphro

Socrates claims that he doesn’t know anything. If that’s the case, how does he respond to the definitions his interlocutor puts forward?

Euthyphro tweaks his definition and comes up with: what is dear to all the gods/God is pious and what is hated by all the gods/God is impious. Socrates doesn’t think that explains anything. Why not?

Utilitarianism (John Stuart Mill On Liberty)

What are the five major problems that arise for act utilitarianism?

What is the difference between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism?

Kantian Ethics

What would you do, in order to determine whether or not an individual rule you’re thinking of undertaking is in accord with universal law? (How do you apply the Categorical Imperative?)

Why does Kant think you should recognize that you must always treat other rational beings as ends in themselves, and never merely as means?

Virtue Ethics (Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics)

What are the two parts to developing into a person who can find the Golden Mean, and why are both parts necessary?

What do virtue ethicists think about ethical principles?