Thursday, January 27, 2011

Forum 1: Case Study

Blogger doesn't do threaded comments, so to respond to a colleague, just post a second comment. Mention the name of the person you're responding to, and summarize the central point you want to address.

By the way, one very legitimate response might be to be persuaded by someone else. If someone made a very good point that swayed your thinking, you can make that your response - but try to drive the conversation forward by adding something to the good point - say in detail how your thinking changed, add additional evidence, or fill out the reasoning.

Don't forget to include your first name and last initial in your post, so I can give you credit for the assignment! Include a last initial so that I don't have to hunt through the 3-page long roster looking for your first name. If you forgot to include your last initial, or your name at all, send me an email.

"Professional counselors who learn that a minor in their care has been sexually assaulted are obligated to tell the minor's parent(s)/guardian(s) about the assault, unless the minor alleges that it is the parent(s)/guardian(s) who has committed the assault."

In the comments, do all 3 of the following:
1. Say whether you support creating the law as written; support creating the law with amendments, and list the amendments; or oppose the law.
2. Give your reasons in support of your position.
3. Raise 2 of the best points against your position, and say why those points are wrong, or are less important than your reasons.

Getting a Google Account

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Welcome to Philosophy 110: Intro to Ethics. I hope it'll be a great semester.

Here are links to your syllabus and schedule for the course.

The school is trying to go paperless, so if you'd like a hard copy of the syllabus and schedule, please print them out from the PDF at the link. I'll have a limited number available on the first day for anyone without a printer or an internet connection.

The books are all available cheaply online, often for less than $5.00 each. Many are also available for free as online documents - but if you do get a free copy, please be sure to get one with numbers and letters (like "12a") in the margins (scholars did this deliberately so that everyone could follow along no matter which edition you have of the book).

I'm looking forward to meeting you next week!