Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Forum 3: The Laramie Project

image published by Xnatedawgx
under a creative commons attribution/share alike license

Please stick very closely to the questions below. There are all kinds of discussions one could have about the ethical issues raised by this film, and there's a lot of value in having those discussions. But if we're all going off in different directions, it's impossible to pursue any one question in depth, and that's what I want to do.

Make absolutely sure that you're speaking with respect for everyone in your comments. Comments that display disrespect for persons will be deleted and you will not get credit for your answer.

Don't forget to sign your name to your post! Put your first name and last initial so I can record your grade.

General Instructions

Think about the questions below for at least 20 minutes before writing any answers down. Just read the question and ponder it for a while before you write anything.

Write your answer in a word processing program and save it. Then copy it and click on the "comments" link below this post. Paste your answer into the comment box that appears. Beneath the comment box, you'll see a drop down menu that says "Publish as:" - choose "anonymous" (unless you have a Google account or one of the other accounts listed, and you'd like to publish your comment under your account). Be sure that your first name and last initial are included in your comment. Click on "Publish." The page should reload, and you should see your comment. If it doesn't work, be sure you've followed the above steps carefully, and try again. If it's still not working, send me an email with your comment, and I'll post it for you.

Due Dates
Please post your response by Friday, March 8, at midnight. Then respond to one of your colleagues by Sunday, March 10 at midnight.


Answer ONE of the questions below for your post. You may respond to a colleague on either topic.
  1. Many people were particularly upset that Matthew Sheperd was murdered because he was gay. Do you think there's something particularly bad about crime when it's aimed at someone because of their inherent characteristics (like their race, ethnicity, gender) rather than, say, because you wanted to steal something from them or because you were angry at them personally? Why or why not?
  2. What unexamined ideas and assumptions do you think the young men had, that made them react the way they did to Matthew? What do you think motivated those assumptions?
What is a Good Answer?
A good answer will reflect carefully on the various aspects of each question, and will tie an understanding of those aspects into the overall answer. A good answer will also elaborate on reasons for your answers, and explain your thinking in detail. I would expect a good answer to take up at least 3/4 of a double-spaced page in the word processing program before you copy and paste it.

A good response to your colleague will drive the conversation forward in some way. You might raise a question for your colleague, based on what she said in her comment; you might use his comment as a jumping-off spot to think about an issue raised in more depth; you might challenge some assumptions or argue against the logic of her reasons. Naturally, you'll do all of this politely and respectfully. Responses that merely agree with the comment won't be counted toward your grade.

If you missed watching the movie in class, you can get it from the library: The Laramie Project. It's also available at the Contra Costa public library.

I can't find transcripts from McKinney's trial online; here's a story about the defense from the New York Times.
image published by Xnatedawgx under a creative commons attribution/share alike license