Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Forum Assignment 2: The Mission

(c) chensiyuan under GNU Free Documentation License
General Instructions
Watch the film from class carefully. Here's a link to rent the movie online if you missed part or all of it.

Think about the question below for at least 20 minutes before writing any answers down. Just read the question and ponder it for a while before you write anything.

Write your answer in a word processing program and save it. Then copy it and click on the "comments" link below this post. Paste your answer into the comment box that appears. Beneath the comment box, you'll see a drop down menu that says "Publish as:" - choose "anonymous" (unless you have a Google account or one of the other accounts listed, and you'd like to publish your comment under your account). Be sure that your first name and last initial are included in your comment. Click on "Publish." The page should reload, and you should see your comment. If it doesn't work, be sure you've followed the above steps carefully, and try again. If it's still not working, send me an email with your comment, and I'll post it for you.

Your answer to the question is due by Sunday morning (February 17) at 8 a.m.

Beginning on Sunday, go back through all of your colleagues' comments and read them thoughtfully. Choose one to respond to. Think about your response carefully before you write anything. Write your response in a word processing program and save it. Then copy your response. Click on "respond" directly underneath the comment you want to respond to, and paste your comment into the comment box that appears. Continue as above.

Your response to a colleague is due by Tuesday morning at 8 a.m.

Monday, February 18, is a holiday: no school!

Choose any one of the main characters (I'll list them below), and think about the choices they faced and their responses to those choices in the world of the film. Do you think that the character you chose displayed courage? What actions do you think reflected courage or cowardice, and why do you think so?

What is a Good Answer?
A good answer will reflect carefully on the circumstances each character faced in the film, and will tie an understanding of that situation to the evaluation of courage. A good answer will also elaborate on reasons for  the evaluation of the character's courage, and explain in detail your thinking. I would expect a good answer to take up at least 3/4 of a double-spaced page in the word processing program before you copy and paste it.

A good response to your colleague will drive the conversation forward in some way. You might raise a question for your colleague, based on what she said in her comment; you might use his comment as a jumping-off spot to think about an issue raised in more depth; you might challenge some assumptions or argue against the logic of her reasons. Naturally, you'll do all of this politely and respectfully. Responses that merely agree with the comment won't be counted toward your grade.

Here are the main characters you can choose from:
Rodrigo Mendoza (Robt. DeNiro)
Father Gabriel (Jeremy Irons)
Cardinal Altamirano (the Vatican representative who made the decision about the missions)
Hontar (the Portuguese Governor)
Cabeza (the Spanish Governor)
Bercelio (the little boy who attaches himself to Mendoza)
Chief Ontiveros (the Guarani leader)