Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Forum Assignment 2: The Mission

(c) chensiyuan under GNU Free Documentation License
General Instructions
Watch the film from class carefully. Here's a link to rent the movie online if you missed part or all of it.

Think about the question below for at least 20 minutes before writing any answers down. Just read the question and ponder it for a while before you write anything.

Write your answer in a word processing program and save it. Then copy it and click on the "comments" link below this post. Paste your answer into the comment box that appears. Beneath the comment box, you'll see a drop down menu that says "Publish as:" - choose "anonymous" (unless you have a Google account or one of the other accounts listed, and you'd like to publish your comment under your account). Be sure that your first name and last initial are included in your comment. Click on "Publish." The page should reload, and you should see your comment. If it doesn't work, be sure you've followed the above steps carefully, and try again. If it's still not working, send me an email with your comment, and I'll post it for you.

Your answer to the question is due by Sunday morning (February 17) at 8 a.m.

Beginning on Sunday, go back through all of your colleagues' comments and read them thoughtfully. Choose one to respond to. Think about your response carefully before you write anything. Write your response in a word processing program and save it. Then copy your response. Click on "respond" directly underneath the comment you want to respond to, and paste your comment into the comment box that appears. Continue as above.

Your response to a colleague is due by Tuesday morning at 8 a.m.

Monday, February 18, is a holiday: no school!

Choose any one of the main characters (I'll list them below), and think about the choices they faced and their responses to those choices in the world of the film. Do you think that the character you chose displayed courage? What actions do you think reflected courage or cowardice, and why do you think so?

What is a Good Answer?
A good answer will reflect carefully on the circumstances each character faced in the film, and will tie an understanding of that situation to the evaluation of courage. A good answer will also elaborate on reasons for  the evaluation of the character's courage, and explain in detail your thinking. I would expect a good answer to take up at least 3/4 of a double-spaced page in the word processing program before you copy and paste it.

A good response to your colleague will drive the conversation forward in some way. You might raise a question for your colleague, based on what she said in her comment; you might use his comment as a jumping-off spot to think about an issue raised in more depth; you might challenge some assumptions or argue against the logic of her reasons. Naturally, you'll do all of this politely and respectfully. Responses that merely agree with the comment won't be counted toward your grade.

Here are the main characters you can choose from:
Rodrigo Mendoza (Robt. DeNiro)
Father Gabriel (Jeremy Irons)
Cardinal Altamirano (the Vatican representative who made the decision about the missions)
Hontar (the Portuguese Governor)
Cabeza (the Spanish Governor)
Bercelio (the little boy who attaches himself to Mendoza)
Chief Ontiveros (the Guarani leader)


  1. Akwasi A
    The main character I chose to talk about is Rodrigo Mendoza. The reason why I chose to talk about Rodrigo Mendoza is because not only did he show courage throughout the film, but also the only character who changed the most from the beginning to the ending of the film. I remember in the beginning of the film he was a slave trader who didn’t really care about the Indian people all he cared about was catching the Indian people and trading them in for money. You could tell that Rodrigo only cared about Rodrigo and wanted everything his way. Until the woman that he thought loved him actually loved his brother, he becomes jealous of his brother than ends up killing him. Which hurt Rodrigo deeply to the point where he wanted to die, but with the help of Father Gabriel and the courage he had. He gave up being a slave hunter as well as moving on with life after killing his brother and was able to join the missionary and change his life for the better. He then puts his faith in God and converts into a Jesuit where he becomes a priest and serves God. Where he falls in love with the Indian people and takes part in their cultural lifestyle. Rodrigo shows courage again towards the ending of the film where he chooses to stay with the Indian people and help them fight off the Spanish army from forcing them out of the missionary. What makes Rodrigo courageous for fighting with the Indians against the Spaniards is he could have just walked away from the fighting and still have his life, instead he knew that standing by the Indians and helping them fight off the Spaniards was the right thing to do. Although, he died in the end he died in a courageous way doing what was right and fighting for the Indians freedom.

    1. Magda M.

      I agree with you 100%. He definitely is the person in which we see change a lot throughout the whole film. It’s incredible to think that he was once the slave trader of these Indians but later fights for them in a battle against the Spaniards. He learns to see things in a very different way and not as he did before. I really think that the most courage’s thing that he could’ve done was fight for those he once hated and against those he once followed. Thank you for your opinion.

    2. Muang P.

      I completely agree. Rodrigo went from a cold-hearted person even killing his own brother to a spiritual man who loved and loved hard. He fought for what he felt was right and carried himself more whole-hearted than before. It was a powerful phrase that father Gabriel said when he carried the heavy armor up something like " if he don't believe he is worthy I don't either" type of comment. But Rodrigo endured that pain and proved his worth.

    3. I agree with you, Rodrigo Mendoza shows the most change during the film even though in the beginning he showed hatred towards the Indian people he respected them at the end of the film when he helps them defeat the Spanish army. He should not have helped the Indian people because he was a Jesuit and that was not the work of god.


    4. I am using your comment to right a history paper on this movie, and it has been 6 years since you commented. Thank you and S/O to Mr. Gehres. If you are also here from Gehres then HMU at and I can tell you who I am. The email is read btw

  2. Jaime S.

    Out of all the characters, there’s one that stands out to me as the most courageous out of all, in my opinion of course. Father Gabriel faced a couple of difficult tasks through the movie. The first and maybe the most courageous action Gabriel was right at the beginning of the movie. First of all he decided to climb up the mountains all on his own with the risk slipping, and therefore dying or any other danger someone can go through while climbing a straight vertical mountain with a water fall right next to you, but that wasn’t the main courageous action. Not forgetting that Gabriel was a priest, he was headed up the mountain only to come in contact with the Guarani. He made this trip all on his own only to find a hanging dead lizard from the head. He then calmly sat down, knowing he was in the Guarani territory to play his flute or recorder (I don’t know the right name of this instrument). He was then surrounded by the Guarani with their weapons pointed at him but he kept on playing. While all this happened, I’m sure Father Gabriel never forgets about the fact that not long before a priest was killed by those same Guarani, crucified and thrown in the river to float away and down the huge waterfall. As Gabriel climbed and played the instrument while surrounded by Guarani, I’m sure he kept that fact fresh in his thought which makes it in my opinion the most courageous action from any of the characters in the movie. Another very courageous action was in the end of the movie, while the battle went on, he gathered the women, elderly, and children of the village in a sense to show that they mean no harm. He then led them straight towards the Spanish army only to see that they, the Spaniards, were going to keep killing them either way. As the Guarani saw that, they and Gabriel kept walking. Whatever they were trying to prove by walking towards the Spaniards, This action shows a lot of courage seeing that the Spaniards are showing no remorse. Father Gabriel showed that he was willing to die for what he believed was right. Others may say that he was cowardice for not fighting against the Spaniards with the Guarani but his believed refused him to do so. He stood by with his believes throughout the whole movie which is part of where his courage comes from. In conclusion, of course Father Gabriel displayed courage!

    1. Gabriela D.

      I do agree with your first statements that Father Gabriel was courageous when it came to the tasks of climbing the mountains and facing the Guarani. What I still question is, if his actions at the end of the movie really showed any courage at all. Does it really show much courage that he died following his beliefs or does it look rather selfish in a way?
      I think that thats what makes his decision so debatable because instead of fighting with everyone else to save the Guarani ( which many do see as courageous), he just walked towards the Spanish with the rest of the tribe without doing much. It does take courage to walk towards people with guns that you know will eventually kill you but i still cant see the courage in him staying by his believes. It looks like he wanted to die knowing that he followed his own faith and not much to save the lives of the Guarani.
      Even though i do respect the fact that he did not want to die fighting because that was not an action of "love", I still cant get myself to fully agree that his final actions were courageous.

    2. Alicia Flores
      I completely agree with what you said towards the end about Father Gabriel not fighting against the Spaniards. I think as i watched the movie I was kind of upset that he didn't want to fight back against them but as the movie went on and they showed him praying with the children and woman i felt like it was the right thing for him to do. he showed a lot of courage by standing proud with the Guarani and dieing for what he believed.

    3. Father Gabriel chose not to part take in the fight against the Spaniards and to me this shows a great amount of courage because in a time when his faith was put to test he did not allow the appealing idea of fight to rule over him. When Rodrigo asked for his blessing he responded, “ If fight is might, then love has no place in this world”, thus saying had he fought he would have been viewed a coward because he would of given up his true believe, but he stood by his people with faith and giving them the comfort of God up until his death. While you might not understand how he stood up for his religion, I believe this showed courage. “ If might is right, then love has no place in this world”, is what he responded to Rodrigo when he asked for his blessing, and had he fought he would have been viewed a coward because he would of given up his true believe. In the end he stood by the Guaranis with faith and the comfort of God up until his death, without part-taking in the fight. So you see he did have courage, because it does not matter the circumstances of courage, but how you act upon it.

      Silvia O.

    4. Jasmeen C.
      I agree with this response. I think Father Gabriel showed great courage at the end of the movie by standing up for his beliefs. Fighting wouldn't really show courage, because he was a very religious person and he wanted no bloodshed. Even his actions at the end of the movie showed courage when the Spaniards shot arrows with fire at them and he continued to sing with the rest of the Guarani and walk forward despite the shooting Spaniards. He stuck with his beliefs regardless what the situation was.

    5. A. Alghazali
      I do believe that Gabriel was courageous in a lot of the movie, however he did not do most of the actions of courage out of his own free will. Firstly he climbed the mountain to get to the guarani it's courageous but not of unlikely that he was order to do it to spread his religion. Second of all he did not show courage by just sitting and playing his flute it was his strategy they knew that the guarani were musical and did not fight those that showed no hostility towards them. These points only show how the church had planned there moves ahead of time to make it possible to infiltrate the guarani tribe and then work on converting them, only in the end to betray them and not fight to help them. Gabriel only being a tool for the church's self gratification did not show courage at the last and most important part of his mission to bring god to these people, which is he led them to there deaths rather than to fight for them and help them to preserve there newly found calling to believe in a god.

  3. Rexx S.

    The character I chose to write about was Rodrigo Mendoza. In my opinion Rodrigo showed the biggest transformation of anyone displayed in the film. In the beginning of the film he was undisciplined, selfish, and a slave trader. He captured Indians and sold them as slaves for money which was how he made a living. Rodrigo had made it very clear that he only cared about himself and nobody else, not even his own brother who he stabbed to death over a woman. Father Gabriel is the person who gives Rodrigo his courage by testing him until he breaks and demanding more of him to become a better individual. With Father Gabriel’s help Rodrigo not only turns his life around by giving up his old acts but he joins the missionary, becoming a priest and chooses to fight for the Indian people against the Spanish. Rodrigo finds his courage and does the unthinkable, fighting for a group of people he once captured as slaves and putting all his faith in god. He becomes part of the Indian culture and thinks of them as his family. Even though Rodrigo would eventually die in battle, the courage he displayed for the Indian people is something nobody will ever forget. Sacrificing your life in order to help another is what completely defines the definition of courage. He was fighting for their freedom in which was something that they never got to experience. Rodrigo will go down as a hero as well as all the other men from the missionary who fought with him in battle.

  4. The character I chose to focus on is Rodrigo Mendoza. The reason why I wanted to focus on
    Rodrigo is because he caught my attention throughout the whole film. Not only
    did Rodrigo show courage in the beginning of the film, but he was a coward in the middle
    of the film. First, he showed courage by climbing the mountain with tons of weight on his back. He had no idea that if the bag dropped to the bottom, he would have to go back down and get it and do the same thing over again. Second, he showed courage again by staying with the Indians to show them they were not alone. He also became a leader to them helping them defeat the Spanish army. Rodrigo shows he was a coward when he killed his brother due to jealousy and envy over the woman he thought he loved. This hurt Rodrigo deep down inside making him want to die. In my opinion, towards the end of the movie, Rodrigo should have been the Jesuit he became to be and told the Indians they should move on and let the mission go. Instead, he fought for it and everyone ended up dead.


    1. Destry H.
      I agree Rodrigo was a very brave man with a lot of heart. He didn't have to kill his brother over a girl he loved. His stupid actions got him locked up in jail. He changed into a better man he knew he did wrong and accepted his punishment. Even when they made him drag a heavy bag of metal he would not give up or let go until hefelt he had enough. He fought to the death and didn't want to give up the mission even though they were out gunned only thing on his mind was save the indians. I think they should of ran away and left to find new land but that was there home and they got to defend it till the end.

    2. I agree with mostly everything you said. Yes, Rodrigo was very courageous for his actions like fighting with the Natives against the Spaniards but the one thing I don't agree with you in is that it was a coward move to kill his brother. By what I remember, Rodrigo was told by his ex/wife that she loved his brother not him, he kept his cool, he saw them hug in the parade, he still kept his cool. He ends up walking in on them as they, his brother and ex wife, laid nude in a bed. He still "kept his cool." Yes the man was furious, and who wouldn't be, but his actions showed he knew better than to react at the moment so he quickly walked away. As he rushed away, mad at the world, it only took a spark to light the flame. His brother rushed after Rodrigo to try and calm him down I believe, as that happened someone at laugh Rodrigo for the fact that his ex wife was with his brother now. Rodrigo as he was already mad, confronted the man, just verbally. His brother then caught up to him and for some dumb reason ends up slapping Rodrigo and that's where his brother went wrong. He just added gas to the fire. Rodrigo didn't kill his brother from cowardly actions, if so he would've killed him right in that bed if not before, Rodrigo was provoked. His brother should've just stayed back, or at least not have slapped Rodrigo. For that reason I believe killing his brother wasn't from a cowardly action.

      Jaime S.

  5. Loan H.

    Rodrigo Mendoza is the main character I choose as a courage man in “The Mission”. After he kills his brother because of jealous and anger of not having the girl he loves, his life turns to a new chapter of hopeless and depressed. From a slave trader with a lot of prides and powers, immediately he lost everything and becomes a new person, who does not care anything. He extremely regrets his big mistake in his life, killing his brother. The choice he faces at the moment is what he should do to after the accident and it is extremely hard. He also wants to do something to release his sorrow and prove to god that he understands that what he did was wrong. Fortunately, he got the support from Father Gabriel. As a result, he decides to punish himself in a really hard way, claiming the mountain with a huge and heavy bag in his shoulder in barefoot. Here, we can see how he is very courage and he does not have to do that if he chooses not to do so. In addition, since the mountain is very deep and dangerous, from a small mistake in his journey, his life can be over and no one can save his life. Despite the heavy stuffs on his shoulder is cut to make it easier for him, he put it back again and keeps on his journey.

    Moreover, Rodrigo Mendoza is a hero for Indians even though they did not win in the battle. Rodrigo Mendoza leads Indians to fight against the Spanish because he thinks that is the right thing for him to do. He wants to save the innocent Indian and protect them from the crime of Spanish soldiers. As a slave trader, he understands how powerful of Spanish soldiers and more than anyone else he knows it will be the most difficult job for him. His task is tremendously tough because the Indian only have the basic weapons; in contrast, the soldiers have all kind of modern weapons such as guns and bombs. From here, I think he is extremely a courage man because he dares to take big risk to himself. At the end of the movie, when he wants start to turns on the big gun to kill the Spanish soldiers, he decides to delay doing so because he sees an Indian kid in danger, who almost felt into the water. As a result, he is killed. From here, we can clearly see that he was super courage because he is not afraid of death or any dangers.

  6. Audrey C.

    Rodrigo Mendoza showed a lot of courage after joining Father Gabriel at the mission, but he also showed cowardice during his stay in the jail. After killing his brother, Mendoza had accepted his punishment for his crime and did not have motivation to fight for his own life and salvation. However, when Father Gabriel asked Mendoza since he chose his crime if he would then choose his penance, Mendoza could decide to be paralyzed in his regret, or push through his guilt in order to do productive good work for the Guarani. Mendoza was sure that his efforts would fail and didn’t want to try.

    Once Mendoza joins the mission, becomes part of the Guarani and a Jesuit, he showed a lot of courage. Mendoza fought for the Guarani by publicly declaring that Cabeza was lying about slavery not being present in Spanish territory, working with Guarani and some of the priests to fight and plan a defense against the soldiers and going into battle without Father Gabriel’s blessing. These actions were courageous because Mendoza didn’t think about the repercussions of his defiance against the court or God’s will; he just went forth on faith and what compelled him, which was fighting for the Guarani freedom and fighting for his own purpose and livelihood.

  7. Gabriela Diaz

    The character I chose is Rodrigo Mendoza. I felt that he showed courage in many ways throughout the whole movie. The first time was after he had killed his brother and felt completely guilty and helpless. Father Gabriel gave him the chance to be able to move forward as long as he himself believed he could. Rodrigo carried that sack of metal to the top of the falls with all the possibility of failing. Rodrigo had every possibility of giving up on himself but he reached the top of the falls with that sack and to me that was courage. He showed courage because he was able to face the pain that he felt towards killing his brother and allowed himself to do a tough task until he believed in himself that he had suffered enough.
    The second time I saw him show courage was when he stood up to Cabeza (the Spanish governor) and accused him of lying when Cabeza said that Spain had no slaves. I believe this was a sign of courage because as a Jesuit, his actions were considered out of line to call him out in that manner. Rodrigo on the other hand believed it was right to say the truth and that is a sign of courage to me. He knew that no one else would stand up to this Spanish governor and his lies. Rodrigo went a long and did it because that’s what he believed was right.
    The third sign of courage he showed was when he had the decision to make of fighting with the Guarani against the army or dying with love as Father Gabriel mentions. His decision of fighting was a sign of courage to me because he once again went against what a real Jesuit was supposed to do and did what he thought was right. Coming from being a mercenary and a slave trader, Rodrigo put himself in the position of the Guarani and knew that the right thing was to fight with them because that place was their home. He learned to care a lot for the people he once took as slaves. During the battle scene when he was about to pull the trigger for the bridge to break, he went and helped the little boy that was crossing the small bridge with the rest of the kids, risking the chance of getting shot. Even though he did get shot multiple times and the army cut of the string before he was able to pull it, I believe he died showing lots of courage. He put in all his effort in fighting for the Guarani and put his life on the line for something he did not have to.

    1. Susanna V.

      I agree with you, Rodrigo Mendoza did showed signs of courage in many ways throughout the film. He started off as the most cocky and arrogant slave trader who only care for himself and didn't care what happen to the Indian, only that they where nothing but props to sell. What he did to his brother was the most awful thing he every did in his life and he regretted it so much, so instead of almost feeling like he should dye, with the help of Father Gaberial he turn his life around and like you said he kept carrying the sack of metal all the way to the top of the fall until he believed he could move forward with is life. Most people would of gave up but him it takes a lot of guts to carry something as heavy as a sack of metal up the falls like he did Most importantly like what you also pointed out was that he decided to fight along the side of the Guarani, people who he once did not care about and now they are like his family. And he risk his own life knowing that it was wrong as a Priest to kill but he did what he thought was best when he could of done nothing at all, now that is true bravery.

    2. Al John Jose

      I'm really glad you brought up the extreme guilt he felt when he killed his brother. Watching him go through the pain and suffering throughout the movie really showed how much he regretted the decision. Also glad the fact you brought up how he realized that capturing the Natives was just plain wrong and deciding to help them instead.

  8. Kim M.

    Naturally, the obvious choice for this question would be Rodrigo, but for my choice, the person that displayed the most courage throughout the whole film entirely was Father Gabriel.
    The first thing that Father Gabriel did that showed courage was when he climbed the rock wall of the waterfalls. It is highly dangerous and he could have died. Unlike the Portuguese and Spanish who came to kill the Guarani at the end of the movie, Father Gabriel didn’t have and equipment or other people to help him up the waterfall. This shows courage not only because he climbed something dangerous but because he didn’t let it stop him from getting to something he believes in (building a mission for Guarani).

    Another thing that should courage was when he walks into the Guarani territory without any weapons for protection. Going into someone elses territory (knowing the Guarani killed a preist already) can be dangerous because they are defensive of who it is and if they are a danger to that particular group. Father Gabriel took out a flute and used it as a weapon by playing it. The Guarani could have killed him because they do not know who he is. He could be a slave trader for all they know. But he had faith in the Guarani people they wouldn’t hurt him as long as he didn’t show any aggression. Again, Father Gabriel is faced with danger yet he chose to go without any type of protection.

    The most courageous scene was when Father Gabriel and the Guarani stayed at the mission while the other Guarani and priests fought off the Portuguese. Instead of fighting back with violence, Father Gabriel and the Guarani fought back with peace and love. Fighting back without violence is more courageous than fighting back with violence. It is easier to result to violence to defend something you love or believe. Killing for the sake of other people’s lives is NOT justifiable in his eyes and his beliefs. He still wants to help the Guarani but approaches it with loves. That’s what he believes in and he knows that it will not provide protection from being killed. The Guarani walking with him would get shot and he didn’t react with violence or anger, he kept walking. He was showing the enemy that no matter what harm they can inflict on him and the Guarani, he is going to stand up for what he believes in. He could have left the Guarani to save his own life but he didn’t. He could have died fighting and killing the enemies but he didn’t.

    Father Gabriel is a priest that believes that love is the best way to overcome the challenges that the priest and the Guarani were facing. Throughout the movies he displayed courage by facing dangerous situations to help people that needed protection the most. He did not provide them physical protection but he stood by their side til the end. Father Gabriel is the most courageous of them all.

    1. Jasmeen C.

      I agree that Father Gabriel did show courage in the end of the movie by choosing not use violence to oppose the Portuguese and Spanish soldiers that came to destroy the mission. I also agree the part about him climbing up the slippery rocks and risking his life was courageous but not enough. I think this because the only reason he did that was because he wanted to spread religion among the Guarani and have them be part of his mission. He did that for himself and for religion while Rodrigo showed courage to correct his own character after killing his brother in a duel. Rodrigo showed more courage because he repented and changed himself as a person and for someone to completely change takes a lot of strength and courage. He also showed courage in supporting the Guarani and fighting against the people whose side he was once on. Father Gabriel on the other hand was converting them because maybe it was an order from the church so he wasn’t doing anything for himself.

  9. The main character I chose from the movie is Father Gabriel. In my opinion I think that every choice Father Gabriel made throughout the movie was courageous and crucial. For example, in the beginning of the film Father Gabriel was on a mission to save the Guarani’s. There was only one problem and that was to climb up steep mountains in order to reach their destination. Father Gabriel and his crew had to face a tough decision which was either to risk their lives or turn back around and live as they were living. But, Father Gabriel took the initiative and climbed up the mountains by himself with his life on the line. I felt that was very courageous of him because it shows his determination on completing his mission. As soon as he reaches the top of the mountains, he then walks into the woods which were the Guarani’s territory. When he finally reached a point he sat down and started playing his flute. The interesting thing about that is in the beginning of the film Guarani’s people murdered a priest for being in their territory. Then they tied a man to a cross and threw him in the water letting his body drag throughout the river. So, for Father Gabriel to sit down in the middle of the Guarani’s territory and played his instrument shows more than courage. He is simply showing that he is fearless of death. Another example of Father Gabriel displaying courage was towards the end of the movie. At the end of the movie the village that Guarani’s created from scratch was under attack. Father Gabriel and everyone else knew they were coming. But Father Gabriel decided to stick by his beliefs of God while the others were not going to have it including Rodrigo Mendoza. So, while they were at war, Father Gabriel was still at church doing what he always fought for which is the faith in God. Father Gabriel was not going to die with blood on his hands. I respect every decision Father Gabriel had to make throughout the movie. Father Gabriel displays courage throughout the whole film by sticking to his belief in God and letting God answer his prayers. In conclusion, Father Gabriel had shown courage more than nay other main character in the film.

    John T.

  10. Silvia O.
    I believe it takes tremendous courage to stay true to one’s values, and Father Gabriel represents this type of courage throughout the film. Father Gabriel’s view of courage faced every situation with love, even when being under attack. He stood by his religious principles in the face of almost certain death, demonstrating his commitment to the Guarani, to the beliefs of the Jesuits, and his personal values.
    The first time in the film Father Gabriel displays his courage is when he sets off to into the dangerous falls in search of the Guaranis. He did this despite his other collegues advising him not to do so, because more than likely he would be faced with and death. However, Father Gabriel showed he had the courage to pursuit the Guaranis and take them to be religious, which he accomplished. Then when it was decided that the Guaranis were to leave the mission he still stood by them.
    Despite loving the Guarani Indians he chose to stay true to his beliefs and religion by not taking part in the fight that ended many lives. When Rodrigo Mendoza asked Father Gabriel for his blessing to fight, Father Gabriel’s response was, “If might is right, then love has no place in the world”, meaning that there is only place for one thing in can only if one exists the other cannot.
    Then when the time came in which the Guarani were attacked he chose to stay with them. During the fight he guided the natives who didn’t fight out of the mission and marched with them, showing his devotion to love and religion until his death.
    In the case of Father Gabriel, courage can absolutely be shown through religious commitment because the exhibition of courage does not depend on the source of beliefs, but how one defends them. A person’s level of courage is determined by the circumstances under which that person acts.

    1. Loan H.

      Hello Silvia,

      You have a really interesting response and a really good point about Father Gabriel as a courage man. He is absolutely not afraid of the dangerous of the falls and he does not care about the risk of facing the death when he claims up the mountain. He is really a real man who has a lot of passion to do things.

      However, when it comes to the Guarani Indians, his courage should be considered. You mention that “Despite loving the Guarani Indians he chose to stay true to his beliefs and religion by not taking part in the fight that ended many lives.” This idea gives me some thoughts since I think Father Gabriel could do something better than what he did in “The Mission”. Even though he is very kind person and he thinks the Indians need his support, he did not get involve directly support them. You are right when he chose to stay with Indians during the battle. But I think he also wants to do something to support the Guarani Indians since he thinks they are innocent and deserve the support. However, he did not let his thought to become an action. As a result, he decided to step back from the fight. Let think about an assumption. If Father Gabriel dared to overcome the rule and limitation from the religions, he may be more helpful in the way of supporting and leading the Indians. And if he did so, the Indians may have a chance to win the battle or at least they did not have to lose a lot of people in the battle. In order words, is he a courage man when he sees the people who need his help and he tries to avoid it? If he gave more support to the Indians, I think this thing will be absolutely beloved by God and by most people. In addition, if he got more involve in the battle, the Indians may not end up with a lot of deaths and he may be a real hero in the Indian population as well as in the world. As a result, he may become a real courage man with its complete meaning.

  11. Ronny F.
    The film presented me a story of redemption and courage from all its character, to the character that really displayed courage was Robert De Niro’s character, Rodrigo Mendoza. The film first demonstrated Rodrigo as a terrible man he was a mercenary whom worked with slave traders. Another form of evil that came from Rodrigo was that he murdered his own brother out of an act of cowardice. What convinced me that he would display courage was upon the choices he made change his life to redeem for his horrible actions. His act of courage came when the issue of removing the missions from the area where the Guarani tribes live was brought before debate, as he states that the opinion of Chuck Low’s character Governor Cabeza is a mistake. He displayed courage through asserting his opinion, which others do not agree on. The one part that I really enjoyed and can say that De Niro’s character displayed an act of courage was near the end for standing for what he believed in even if he would have to fight and die for it and it’s the before battle sequence when he has the last conversation with Jeremy Iron’s character Father Gabriel about what is wrong with the rules of certain authorities.

    1. Rexx S.
      I completely agree with you. Rodrigo Mendoza’s transition from start to finish was remarkable. This was a man who could be viewed as the devil by most, due to the fact that he was a slave trader and someone who murdered his own brother. But his transition with the help of Father Gabriel made up for all his wrong doings. He became a completely changed man and started to help and fight for the Guarani tribe’s people. Rodrigo challenges his own group of people like Governor Cabeza in order to save and protect them which is something that took true courage.

  12. Georgina S.
    From the beginning of the film until his death, Captain Rodrigo Mendoza experiences the most personal growth. Initially, Rodrigo is the obvious villain. We witness him capturing the Guarani people and sending them off to become slaves. Immediately after this scene, we are introduced to this other side of Rodrigo which is very sweet and gentle towards his brother; that is, of course, until he murders him for having an affair with the woman he loves. This is Rodrigo’s lowest point - the moment where he displays his cowardice because I believe it takes a coward to kill your own flesh and blood.

    Rodrigo is then, rightfully, consumed with guilt and grief and loses his will to live. With the undeserved help of Father Gabriel, he is able to overcome this part of his life through a physically arduous penance. Along with the physical courage it took for Rodrigo to make it through the jungle alive, he also expresses courage by being able to face and let go of what he did to his brother, which is clearly not an easy thing to do!

    After spending several months with the Jesuit priests and with the Guarani tribe, he makes the audacious decision to become a Jesuit priest himself. Considering the life he has led until that point and his decision to lead a much more modest and virtuous life, this is a very brave move for Rodrigo.

    Later on, when the Cardinal is trying to decide if the missions should be moved, Father Rodrigo stands up to Don Cabeza when he says that the Spanish territories are not actively (and illegally!) keeping slaves. By speaking up and calling out the governor on his lies, Father Rodrigo is acknowledging the crimes he committed against the Guarani in his recent past. By telling the truth about the slaves, Rodrigo has a chance to save the Guarani and, thus, righting his wrongs if only a little bit.

    Once it is known that the San Carlos mission is to be moved and that all of it’s inhabitants are no longer under its protection, Father Rodrigo refuses to leave, completely willing to accept the consequences of this decision, whatever they may be. But perhaps his greatest show of courage comes when he makes the decision to fight for and alongside the Guarani even though he is fully aware that they are vastly outnumbered and that his enemies are much more technologically advanced. Father Gabriel tells him that he will die with blood on his hands if he renounces his vows but Rodrigo believes it is more important to fight for what is right and eventually dies an honorable death. Despite what Rodrigo had learned to believe in when he took his vows of obedience, he still felt that it was more important to fight for the lives and homes of these people that had changed him so much and I believe that was his greatest display of courage throughout the film.

  13. Carlin S.

    The character I chose to talk about is Rodrigo Mendoza. I feel that Rodrigo showed cowardice in the beginning of the film and courage towards the end. In the beginning he was a selfish slave trader who didn’t care about anybody but himself. He made his money by capturing Indians and selling them. He eventually finds out that the woman he thought loved him actually loved his brother. He then becomes jealous of his brother and stabs him to death which is a coward action to me. Rodrigo felt so bad that he wanted to die. Father Gabriel then steps in and tries to encourage Rodrigo to change his ways and become a better person. With this help Rodrigo gets more involved in church and then becomes a priest. He also decides to help the Indians fight against the Spanish. This is an act of courage because the Indians are the very people that he used to capture as slaves. He then starts to take part in Indian culture. In the end he dies in battle fighting alongside the Indians. This makes Rodrigo a courageous man because he helped the Indians fight for their freedom when he didn’t have to.

    1. Rajwinder K.
      I agree with you that Rodrigo did show cowardice and courage in the movie. He showed his cowardice by killing his own brother and a selfish slavering trader. He felt there is no life but he became completely different person when father Gabriel changed his way. He showed courage in the end of the movie when he started like Indians and decided to fight against the Spanish. He dies in the battle fighting along with the Indians.

    2. Rajwinder K.
      I agree with you that Rodrigo did show cowardice in the move because he showed the cowardice by killing his own brother and a selfish slavering trader. Do you think that Rodrigo Mendoza was the most courageous person in the film? He got his own courageous from Father Gabriel. What if the Father didn’t give him the blessing of courage? Do you think Rodrigo will still fight against the Spanish? I don’t think so, because he was a killer and slave trader. The only reason he fought along with Indians because of Father Gabriel gave his courage.

  14. Cathy S.

    The person who is the most courageous in my opinion is Rodrigo Mendoza. He’s made so many mistakes in his life and all he wanted to do was repent for it. He was a slave trader and when he came home he found his wife in the arms of his brother and from his anger he killed his brother in a duel. Feeling regret and anger at himself he decided to turn his life completely around and that took a lot of courage. He could’ve continued to live his life the way he has been living it as a slave trader but he didn’t like what that life turned him into. He was a terrible man and he let his anger and controls his actions so he decided to be a Jesuit. A Jesuit is a Christian monk who builds missions and help people who need it. A Jesuits life is the complete opposite of what he is used, and that’s why he chose to be a monk and help the people he used to enslave.
    Going to the Guarani and trying to convince them that he was a changed man took a lot of courage. He went into their village, enslaved them, and hurt whoever was in his way in his old life. He had to find a way to get them to trust him and going in he didn’t know how they would treat him but he was determined to help them anyways. That was a courageous thing to do.
    After gaining their trust and making them realize he was a changed man when they were in trouble and needed him, he fought for them. He knew that they were outnumbered and out gunned but that didn’t stop him from being determined and laying down his life for them. He had a way out, he knew that he would die if he helped them but he couldn’t just leave them there to fight on their own. He died courageously trying to help out the people that helped him change from his old way.

    1. Mark B.

      i agree that Mendoza was courageous. He did have mistakes, he also changed for the murder of his own brother in a duel. He wanted to change but didn't know how until a Jesuit gave him a path to go on. it took Mendoza courage just to change in front of the Jesuits and also the Guarani. He was very courageous also when he helped the Guarani to protect their how even if he died, he died with what he thought was right. However do you think that if he just left or did nothing, instead of the children surviving that more Guarani would have survived? Because if you think about it, if he just tried to convince the Guarani to leave or at least move they would have lived.

  15. Rajwinder K.
    The main character I choose to talk about in the movie is Rodrigo Mendoza. The reason, I choose to talk about Rodrigo Mendoza is because he show courage throughout the movie. In the beginning of the movie he was selfish and slave trader who catch the Indian people and trade them for money. It makes clear that he only cared about himself, when he killed his brother after he found out the woman that he loved actually loved his brother. Father Gabriel gave courage to him, he didn’t only change his life by giving up old acts but he joins the missionary. Rodrigo put his faith in God and converts into Jesuit and becomes a priest. He falls in love with Indian people and takes their lifestyle. He fought for a group of people that once captured as slaves. He shows courage by fighting for Indian people against the Spanish army. In the end of the movie he died in battle during fighting among the Indians.

    1. Cathy S.

      I agree that Rodrigo Mendoza is a very courageous man when it counted. He wasn’t a good man in the beginning, he made plenty of mistakes, like killing his brother, but he repented by becoming a monk and working with the Guaraní. I disagree when you said that by killing his brother he was acting cowardice, I think it was just thoughtless anger, and through that thoughtless anger he turned his life around. With the help of Father Gabriel he became a Jesuit and helped build missions for the people he enslaved. In your opinion do you think he would’ve made it as far as he did without father Gabriel’s help?

    2. Carlin S.

      I agree with you that Rodrigo is a courageous man but not throughout the whole movie. In the beginning he was a selfish slave trader which is not an act of courage to me. I agree with you on the aspect of Rodrigo killing his brother as cowardly. Nothing should take you to the point of killing your own brother. Everything after that point was courage though. Rodrigo turned his life around and started to help others which is a big step from how he was before. It also shows that anybody can change if the right person comes along and helps them.

    3. Amandeep Kaur
      I agree with you that Rodrigo Mendoza was the most courageous man throughout the movie. It is true that at first he was the selfish man who only thinks about himself and for his selfishness he murdered his brother too but the repent he did after doing the mistake makes him the most courageous person. It takes so much courage for a person to go the process of repentance and his dedication for the Indians made him different man and his dedication gave him the Courage to fight for the Indians .

  16. Rolando V.

    Father Gabriel displayed courage throughout the film. I think someone that sticks by their beliefs through anything is someone who is courageous. From the very start of the film, Father Gabriel displays courage by choosing to climb up the cliff alone after knowing that another priest was killed by the Guaraní. Not only did Father Gabriel show courage through climbing the cliff, but he also risked his own life by entering the Guaraní territory above the falls. After being allowed to live, Father Gabriel begins his conversion of the Guaraní to Christianity. The whole concept of staying with a native tribe that is at risk of being captured completely shows how courageous Father Gabriel is. Even until the end of his life, Father Gabriel stood strongly behind his beliefs.

    The only action that I would label as “cowardice” is when Father Gabriel refused to join the battle against the Portuguese and Spanish. I think that he should’ve joined the other priests and help fight for the missions.

    At the same token, I do also understand Father Gabriel’s decision of choosing not to fight. Father Gabriel was truly a man of religion and opposed any form of violence.

    1. Audrey C.

      Father Gabriel certainly showed a lot of courage in his climb up the mountain, his movement forward through the uncertain jungle and certainly his faith. At the end his faith allowed him to remain free of violence in the middle of a battle. Do you feel that his absence in the battle might have also been courageous? It took a lot of courage and self-preservation to stand with the Guarani by way of faith when the battle was going. What do you think about him not blessing Rodrigo Mendoza? This might be another example of Father Gabriel having both courage and cowardice. It does seem that going to fight be would be an obvious courageous act to most, but what would participating in the fight be considered to God (since Father Gabriel was a devout follower of God’s will)? People say that it is sometimes takes more courage to walk away from a physical fight than to engage in one. Then again, it would be courageous to fight for freedom even if violence ensued… or would it?

  17. Sarah H.

    Most of the choices that Father Gabriel made throughout the film were courageous.

    At the start of the movie, Father Gabriel faces his first choice, whether or not to climb the water fall in hopes of starting a mission for the Guarani residing there. Climbing the waterfall is a courageous decision itself, but adding the unknown of how the Guarani will react to Father Gabriel’s presence after they sent the first priest that came to their tribe over the falls to his death, makes his decision to go all the more courageous. Father Gabriel’s commitment to spreading the will of god was more important than any fears he had about climbing the water fall or being killed by the Guarani which makes his action courageous. So he goes to the tribe and wins them over with his beautiful playing of the oboe, gaining their trust and teaches them of God and Christianity.

    The next choice Father Gabriel faces occurs when he is asked to talk to Rodrigo Mendoza (a slave trader who had taken some of the Guarani from above the falls for slaves) after he killed his own brother. Rodrigo did not want help; he was ridden with guilt over his brother’s death and felt no punishment was severe enough. Father Gabriel however convinced Rodrigo to redeem himself and invited Rodrigo to make the trek to the Guarani community as a way to do so. Although not his most courageous decision, it was courageous of him to trust Rodrigo both around him and the Guarani.

    Father Gabriel’s most courageous action however came when the decision to close the missions was made by Cardinal Altamirano. Even with the threat of being excommunicated he chose to stay with the Guarani and not save himself. When the Guarani decided to stand up and fight along with the other priests at the mission, Father Gabriel refuses to join the fight as fighting is not the will of god, love is. When confronted by Rodrigo, he says, “If might is right, then love has no place in the world. It may be so, it may be so. But I don't have the strength to live in a world like that, Rodrigo.” His decision to not fight may seem like a cowardly one, however it is not. He is demonstrating tremendous courage in following what he believes in, following Christianity. He does not want to live in a world where violence is the answer and will follow his beliefs until his death. As the Spanish and Portuguese forces attacked the Guarani community, Father Gabriel did not hide, he held services and as the forces were advancing on him, he continued to march forward toward enemy lines even as the Guarani around him were falling. He stood up for what he believed in and did not falter or show any signs of fear while doing so. To know that you are going to die and not try to fight back but instead remain peaceful demonstrates the greatest courage of all.

  18. Jasmeen C.
    The main character I choose is Rodrigo Mendoza because he had the biggest transformation in the film because in the beginning of the movie he was shown hunting the Guarani and in the end his feelings toward them were completely different. In the beginning of the movie he was selfish and wanted everything to go his way and have everything he wanted including his woman. Events took a turn when Rodrigo found out that the woman he loved didn’t love him but loved his brother instead, at first he didn’t take any action, but when he found them together he ended up murdering his brother. This resulted in Rodrigo being filled with guilt and feeling that life had no meaning, but with the help of Father Gabriel he changed himself and became a Jesuit. During the process of his repentance he showed courage because when that pile of armor that he was carrying fell he continued to pick it up no matter how many times he had to try he just would not give it up. Even when Rodrigo was told that he didn’t have to carry it anymore he continued to do so until he felt that his repentance was complete. He went from a man who hunted the Indians for his selfish motives to a man who loved those same Indians and accepted their lifestyle. He showed courage once again in the end of the film when the Spaniards attacked the Indians and he stood up to fight for them without caring about his own life when he could’ve been selfish and saved himself.

    1. Ronny F.

      I agree with you Rodrigo was the character that showed most transformation and courage. What i found most courages was in the meeting of the church and those in charge of colonizing the forests, as he stated his opinion against the colonists even if they were the authority. I also found his transformation fascinating because he went from hunting the indigenous tribes to fighting along side of them even if it cost him his life

  19. Camille M.

    Father Gabriel was a courageous man. He put his faith in god that if he was to accept an already misleading man, this man will turn his life around and also put faith in the same god. Through out the movie, Father Gabriel showed his stable love for God. He not only shared but also gave courage to every one else around him, he saw that any man deserved a second chance. I believe that type of mentality and dedication to others around him truly requires great trust and courage. Til the end, he fought for what he believed was pious.

  20. Mark B.

    Rodrigo Mendoza was courage during and throughout the movie. The reason i chose Mendoza was because of how he wanted to change after he killed his own brother. He wanted to change after what he has done and it takes a lot of courage just to do that. Even wanted to change what he has done to the Guarani people by changing his was of living and helping them and becoming a priest. At the end he also showed courage by helping to save the home of the Guarani even if the odds were against them. I think that courage, it comes from dedication to something and to accept what one has done but to try and change who you are. Mendoza changed who he was from being a slave trader to a priest; that was the biggest courage he has ever done because he had so much blood on his hands but even so the other priest still accepted him they forgave him. Showing this it gave Mendoza courage to change.

  21. Chelsea B.

    Father Gabriel is a Jesuit, or a member of a Roman Catholic religious order. He faces the task of reaching out to the natives in South America in order to convert and construct missions. Through the trials of his charge Father Gabriel embodies the definition of courage; “ the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, or pain with out fear; bravery” (

    The movie begins with his first great test, overcoming physical mortal danger in order to reach the natives location. Father Gabriel braves great perils as he climbs sheer wet cliffs alongside the same waterfall a fellow Jesuit had been sent by to his death. This displays courage in two ways; one by overcoming fear of mortal death in order to reach his objective and two, he accomplishes mental mastery over grief and fear that he may be sent down the falls by the very people he seeks.

    At the end of the movie Father Gabriel also demonstrates courage by standing with the Guaraní against Portuguese forces sent to disband and murder those holding to the mission. His choices were to leave the mission thereby preserving his own life, stand with the fighting forces of the Guaraní in a hopeless battle of show to protect the mission, or lastly to remain true to his principals and those he teaches by standing in peace alongside his fellow humans at the mission. Father Gabriel follows the path of his conscience though it assures his death. Because his beliefs do not allow him to fight and kill other men Father Gabriel stays with the women, children, and elderly at the mission during the battle keeping the peace and calm even as death marches onto their doorstep never faltering.

    Father Gabriel withstood every trial set before him through his self possessed courage, always without compromising his values.

    1. I agree with your remarks. I myself believe in his values. His dedication to god, giving back to the Indians and Rodrigo requires great trust. Not only did he have courage for his self but he served the remaining of his life sharing this courage to others in need.

  22. Alicia Flores

    Rodrigo Mendoza i believe showed the most courage through out the entire movie. After he killed his brother he was in a situation where he no longer wanted to live. I did not expect him to follow Father Gabriel’s ways but he did and he did it with so much courage. Just the fact that he accepted the change of life style and went from doing harm to doing so much good for the Guarani community showed he was actually a good man. When he became a priest he seemed a much more happy individual and was willing to help in whatever way he could. He went from being a slave trader to helping the “slaves”. That it self shows that he totally transformed his life style with the help of Father Gabriel. He led go of his pride when he had to confront Don Cabeza and apologize to him for contradicting him about a situation he knew he was right about. I believe that was the last bit of pride he had and he let it go just to please Cardinal Altamirano. Once Cardinal Altamirano makes his decision and the war begins Rodrigo stays true to the Guarani and although he knows that odds of him living and surviving the mission are very slim he still stands up for what he believes and most importantly for what is right.

    1. Anthony Rosales

      Rodrigo Mendoza showed courage mostly at the end of the film. After going to the mission, He converted to a Jesuit, a huge step for him. I agree with everything you stated about Rodrigo, but I think you left out the fact that he somewhat became a role model for Bercelio and showed love to him. Bercelio showed love back, and that’s what made Rodrigo defend the Guarani. He became so loyal to the tribe, he disobeyed father Gabriel’s orders and fought to the death for them. I also agree that he did everything that was right, and fought for justice.

  23. Amandeep Kaur
    The character I choose is Rodrigo Mendoza because I think he was the most courageous person in the movie. In the beginning of the movie he was a different person who only thinks about himself and a person who can kill anyone to fulfill his needs. He was a person who caught the Indian people from jungle and trade them for money but his life turned out totally different when he decided to repent for the mistake he did by murdering his brother when he found that his wife don't love him but his brother. After murdering his brother he was full of guilt due to which he had no life but with the courage Father Gabriel gave him, he changed his old life and joined missionary and became a jesuit. It takes a lot of courage to repent for the mistakes and during his repentance he went to guarani and he showed people that he is different man now and after gaining their trust , he helped them when they were in trouble. He even took the lifestyle of the Indian people and turned out to a man who loved indian people. He was a courageous man who knew that he would die if he helped indian people but still he fought for them and at the end he died courageously in fighting against Spanish army.

    1. I agree with the first half of your response with the exception of Rodrigo Mendoza being the most courageous character in the film. Also, I am going to disagree with your statement about Rodrigo helping the Indians by fighting by their side. I do not think that Rodrigo Mendoza was the most courageous person in the film. How could he be the most courageous individual in the film if he went against his own beliefs as a Jesuit? Father Gabriel did not die with blood on his hands. So it does not make it alright for Rodrigo Mendoza to die with blood on his hands just because he has murdered before. I believe that Mendoza should have stood by Father Gabriel’s side and just believe in the faith of God. I strongly still believe that Father Gabriel showed the most courage throughout the whole film. But, I do agree with some of your points given in your response such as changing his life for the better and leaving his past alone. Mendoza could have helped the Indians by teaching them their beliefs like Father Gabriel was doing. If anything I feel that father Gabriel had more of an impact throughout the whole film than Rodrigo Mendoza.
      John T.

  24. Destry H.
    The main character I choose from the film is Father Gabriel. I think he showed a lot of courage throughout the movie. He was like the middle man priest preaching wisdom to both sides. He was trying to keep peace between the spanish and the indians. He started by going on a mission to find these Guarani people. Gabriel was playin his flutein the jungle when they ran up on him with weapons in his face but gabriel showed no fear and kept playing. You got to be brave to do that they could of killed him instead the chief got mad broke the flutr and took Gabriel back to their village. His plan was to study the Guarani people and their lifestyle. He was trying to convert them to christianity saying he was the voice of God. The indians listened and seen him as a very poweful leader. His beliefs were good he didn't harm them. When the spanish people started war Gabriel gathered everyone up and protected them from the spanish. Gabriel started walking towards the guns as they were shooting everyone he eventually got killed for his rights and beliefs the spanish did not care what happened to them. Gabriel was courageous but also a coward for not trying to fight back at all they could of ran away and lived.

    1. I agree partially. Father Gabriel did try to talk reason into both sides so no one would be hurt. However I don’t think he was a coward for not fighting. He simple picked his battles throughout the whole movie. Sometimes violence is not the answer and Father Gabriel believed that. I do not fault him in any way for his actions.


    2. I AGREE WITH L.T.

      Jaime S.

    3. Sarah H.

      I too do not agree that Father Gabriel was a coward because he did not want to fight. I think it was courageous of him to stand up for what he believes in. His instinct as a man could have been to stand up and fight like the others but then he would be going against his beliefs. Sometimes it is harder to do what is right and therefore that makes his decision a courageous one, not a cowardly one. As he told Rodrigo, “If might is right, then love has no place in the world. It may be so, it may be so. But I don't have the strength to live in a world like that, Rodrigo.” He did not believe that violence was the answer and he held this belief up until the end staying peaceful as he marched out with the Spanish and Portuguese shooting around him.

  25. Magda M.

    I believe that Rodrigo Mendoza displayed a lot of courage throughout the whole film. In the beginning of the film we see a guy who doesn’t necessarily care about anything. He’s very self-centered and everything he does represents selfishness. Mendoza trades Indians as slaves for money and does whatever he pleases. He cared so little about his actions that he killed his own brother. His brother was sleeping with the love of his life and once he caught them he became enraged with anger and stabbed his brother in front of his people. Mendoza was then taken to jail and there he no longer believed in having the right to live. Father Gabriel then goes to visit him, a Jesuit in which Mendoza was against, in order to see what he can do to positively change him. As punishment he had to carry a big bag of armory up a mountain to get to one of Father Gabriel’s missions called Guarani, which happen to be where he went to capture the slaves he used to trade off. There he changed completely. Mendoza learned the value of hard work and accepting others as they are. He later became a Jesuit himself and with the Guarani fought against the Spaniards in order to bring freedom onto the Guarani people. Although he died during the battle, he died as a hero. He represented courage and the power of faith in you and how it can make a huge difference.

  26. Susanna V.

    Rodrigo Mendoza I would say showed the most courage, he was a good friend to the Guarani, showed very good heroic skills and was the bravest of all the Jesuits. He fought for what he believed was right even though it might have been wrong as a priest. He step in and help battle against the Spaniards to keep the home of the Guarani a live, yeah the Spaniards own that land but the Guarani probably live there way longer before Father Gaberial found them and turn them into Christian. My point is the Guarani work hard for what they built, why take away something they work so hard for? That's just wrong and that is there HOME way before the Mission was built. So I see why Rodrigo did what he “believed” was right. What makes him makes a true hero in my eyes, was when he saved the little boy who almost fell of the bridge instead of pulling the trigger at first to kill the Spaniards. He risked his own life for one of theirs. The most important thing that showed his bravery was when he knew that if killing the Spaniards it would most likely bring back the remorse and pain he had felt for killing his brother, that is why he took awhile to take the sword from the young Indian boy asking him to help them save their home and he even ask Father Gabriel too bless him from that remorse. So even though, he didn't know if what he was doing was right, at least if he died he would be fighting for what he believe himself was the right thing to do in his heart and died a true hero in the eyes of the all the Indians and especially in the eye of the young boy who looked up to them so much. And he will be remembered forever as the brave Priest who risks his life to save the Guarani.

    1. I personally agree. Everyone wants to be the hero, never the zero. But in this case Rodrigo Mendoza was not looking for the glory. He genuinely wanted to help the people. I admire that type of courage. Giving up your life to help someone else. I respect him for that.


  27. Cardinal Altamirano is a coward because he was a priest originally and when he went to the natives land and found them not only converted but truly trying to please god, he turns his backs on them. He should not have cared about the so called king who hated the church because hating the church dose not mean you have to hate its people. I may be out of line but someone who tried to please god by spreading his word should never be promoted to his current position if his faith in his original mission was this weak and fragile, he's aid that he found the natives living in a garden in heaven. He truly fell in love with their life style yet turns his back on them and in the end only caredaboutthe church. He only cared about the church because he was afraid that the other priest were going to side with the natives and this was going to make the Vatican church look bad.

    Ashraf A.

    1. Georgina S.

      Ashraf, I completely agree with your belief that the Cardinal was a coward! There is no other excuse for him to have turned his back on so many innocent (already converted) people other than he was a selfish, uncaring man and that, I believe, definitely constitutes a coward. I don't, however, believe that he only cared about the church. Because if that was his priority, shouldn't he have been ecstatic that there were so many new converts instead of turning them all out to save his own neck?

    2. Akwasi A

      I absolutely agree with you on Cardinal Altamirano being a coward. What he did to the Guarani people as well as the priests who were taking part in the Missionary was uncalled for by telling them to leave the missionary. Even after he saw how well the Guarani people were doing in the missionary and what really made me mad was the fact that he himself was once a priest. So he should have been proud of what the Guarani people were becoming, but instead he only cared about himself and what the government would think of him and decided to make a foolish decision. Instead of making the situation better he made things worse because he was a coward and couldn’t make his own decisions.

    3. Chelsea B.

      There is a larger picture illustrated in the movie concerning Cardinal Altamirano’s actions. He was faced with conflicting duty and personal belief. The main principle displayed is “for the greater good.” If he were to report back that the missions should remain refuge for natives residing within Portugal would be angered with Spain setting off a chain reaction of anger towards the Catholic Church and more specifically the Jesuit order.

      To understand more clearly what is at stake, the Jesuits are a group of missionaries who travel to some of the most distant and remote regions of the world, teaching natives the catholic belief system and implementing it where possible. This in itself may be said to bring about both good and bad; for example, the missions up until this disputed time serve as refuge from slavers. It may be argued that civilization then follows the Jesuits and corrupts the natives, but in reality the human race expands its reach no matter what. It is who gets there first that makes the difference. Concerning the church, the Jesuit order is a very pleasing one for the most part for all the converts reigned through their efforts.
      So, if the Portuguese were not allowed control over the natives within the missions of their newly acquired treaty blame would need fall to someone. That someone being the Jesuits, thus threatening the existence of the order while the Catholic Church would still lose great face in the world’s politics.

      Cardinal Altamirano showed his humanness in his reaction to the natives. He was happy they accepted the love of god, and touched by the efforts of the mission, however his duty held him to act in the manner concerning the greater good. Cardinal Altamirano did not carry out the letter happily, he had no secret vengeance to play upon the natives indeed he offered the best advice the situation allowed by pleading for their departure. Overall he had to think about all the others who would be affected by his choice, despite the horror he would have to condone. Cardinal Altamirano was in conflict. He was not courageous in the manner which one would associate to a superhero but he had to master guilt to sacrifice a few for the hopeful return of the many. It may seem terrible, and indeed it is an abominable event which he took part in, but it is the way of politics, no one leaves unscathed where the many are affected so tremendously by the few.

      C.A. “Your Holiness, a surgeon to save the body must often hack off a limb. But in truth nothing could prepare me for the beauty and the power of the limb that I had come here to sever.”

      C.A. “Thus have we made the world... thus have I made it.”

      C.A. “So, your Holiness, now your priests are dead, and I am left alive. But in truth it is I who am dead, and they who live. For as always, your Holiness, the spirit of the dead will survive in the memory of the living. “

    4. A. Alghazali

      I believe one wrong and hurtful choice will only lead to another of its same proportions. Had he told the church that these people accepted our religion and we had a duty to save them, even if the preists were attacked and killed the church would have understood that there missionary's were killed because of there lack of belief to protect those that convert to there religion. And if the church continues to act in this hypocrytic way there will rise those that will fix this obvious fault in their belief and there would be no other devasting casualty such as this. However you believe we have to look at the greater good and do what's the best for the majority, well that's good if the majority weren't always the church and its friends. And this would always be there choice considering they are and always will be the greater of the numbers as you put it. So sorry but I still hold fast to my believe that he showed almost no courage or bravery to try to change a majority dominated religion.

  28. Anthony Rosales

    The character Bercelio displayed a lot of courage in the film. Instead of being disrespectful to the new priest at the mission, he was kind and befriended them, especially Rodrigo. He was one of the many Guarani who were forced to leave the missions and return to the jungle. He respected and followed any decisions Rodrigo made and was ready to fight against what he believed. He was the one who found Rodrigo’s sword and cleaned it up for him, basically stating that he wanted him to defend them as well and knew that the priest were on their side. I believe that while cleaning the sword, he was preparing himself for what was to come, and knew the consequences that would follow when he gave the sword back to Rodrigo. He put his faith into the priest and wanted to follow and trust them with everything they did. He even wanted to go into battle and defend his Guarani, but obeyed Rodrigo’s orders to stay back. Although he obeyed, he still had the urge to fight, and that’s what he did. After the battle was over, the film shows a clip of him leaving with all the children from the tribe. That clip shows the essence of what Bercelio is all about and shows how much of a leader he is. It also gives you hope about how the tribe will stay alive because of the new courageous leader they have and gives you a sense of security for the Guarani.

  29. Susanna V.

    Rodrigo Mendoza I would say showed the most courage, he was a good friend to the Guarani, showed very good heroic skills and was the bravest of all the Jesuits. He fought for what he believed was right even though it might have been wrong as a priest. He step in and help battle against the Spaniards to keep the home of the Guarani a live, yeah the Spaniards own that land but the Guarani probably live there way longer before Father Gaberial found them and turn them into Christian. My point is the Guarani work hard for what they built, why take away something they work so hard for? That's just wrong and that is there HOME way before the Mission was built. So I see why Rodrigo did what he “believed” was right. What makes him makes a true hero in my eyes, was when he saved the little boy who almost fell of the bridge instead of pulling the trigger at first to kill the Spaniards. He risked his own life for one of theirs. The most important thing that showed his bravery was when he knew that if he kills the Spaniards it would most likely bring back the remorse and pain he had felt for killing his brother, that is why he took awhile to take the sword from the young Indian boy asking him to help save their home and he even ask Father Gabriel too bless him from that remorse because he probably knew it was a Sin but he still did what he thought was the right thing to do. He started off in the film as a cocky and arrogant slave trader who only cared for himself but once he found his way to God with the help of Father Gabriel it gave him a sense of peace. So he knew what he was getting himself into by not obeying what God wishes where, but instead he gave up his life by trying to help the Indians save their home. That is what I call true bravery even if it was against the will of God, who knows. He could have just not fought like how Father Gabriel didn't because he believes it was wrong to kill. So even though, Rodrigo Mendoza didn't know if what he was doing was right, at least he died a true hero in the eyes of the all the Indians and especially in the eye of the young boy who looked up to him so much. And he will be forever be remembered as one of the bravest Priest who risks his life to save the Guarani’s and their home.

    1. Kim M.

      I agree that Rodrigo is courageous. he tried to put himself through hell in the beginning of the movie because of the guilt he had from killing his own brother. He tried his hardest to prove to the Jesuits and the Guarani people that he is a good man. he was not only trying to prove something to everyone else but to himself as well. Choosing to kill in the name of the Guarani and defy Father Gabriel and God and give up his vows was very courageous because despite doing all of that, he was still protecting the people who he became a priest for. Also, do you think that he might have fought back against the Spaniards and risk his own life as a way of penance for some of the Guarani he had captured in the beginning and sold into slavery?

    2. Susanna V.

      Good question Kim, yes I do think that is another factor of why he would of risk his own life to save the life of the Guarani for the wrong he had cause them in the beginning. SO by going against his will as a Priest and God, he knew he had created another Sin but once getting to know the Indians and seeing what great people they are and how they open up their home to him, he knew he must do the right thing by them even if he was wrong.

    3. Jose H.

      I agree with you that Rodrigo showed the most courage in being the bravest of the Jesuits. Even though he was a priest and knew it was wrong in choosing his actions, but he felt that it was right and needed to fight with the Indians against the Spanish. I also agree with the part of Rodrigo rather saving that little boy instead of blowing up the enemy. It really showed what kind of person Rodrigo was, he would sacrifice his life for the well being of others. I think that Rodrigo was a true hero aswell because not only didn he fight for what was right, but he impacted the younger group of the Indians with his bravery. The young Indians children saw and felt his impact on how he felt toward the Spanish and the children will now take that with them and fight on their own for what is right.

    4. Ebony.K

      I agree Rodrigo showed the most courage and he was the bravest. He was the only one stood up against the Governor. He fought for what was right. He stood side by side with the Indians and fought.

  30. Jose H.

    The main character I chose to talk about is Rodrigo Mendoza. I thought Rodrigo was one of the characters throughout the film would had the most courage and showed the most change within himself. In the beginning of the film, I felt that Rodrigo didn’t really show any concern with the Indians by capturing and selling them as slaves for money. Rodrigo was very undisciplined and kind of unpredictable with his actions. I say this because there’s a scene in the movie where he sees his brother sleeping with a woman and then kills his own brother. After this incident, I felt that Rodrigo maybe had nothing left to loose and was maybe loosing hope on himself? Father Gabriel was the one who saw a different side of Rodrigo. He tests Rodrigo’s courage and will for change to become a better individual. With the help of Father Gabriel, Rodrigo turns himself around but not only that, he decides to join the missionary. After he joined the missionary he becomes a priest and wants to help the Indians fight against the Spanish. I thought he was courageous for his action towards the Spanish because the priests were not allowed to use violence or go against their own beliefs. That didn’t stop Rodrigo even though Father Gabriel wasn’t on his side. Rodrigo showed a lot of courage fighting with people he once held as slaves just so they can have faith in God. Overall, Rodrigo helped in fighting for Indians freedom in which they never had, sacrificed his own life to help another, and changed one’s self for a better being is being courageous and should be seen as a hero as well and the other men, women, and children who died in battle.

  31. Jose H.

    I agree with you that Rodrigo showed the most courage in being the bravest of the Jesuits. Even though he was a priest and knew it was wrong in choosing his actions, but he felt that it was right and needed to fight with the Indians against the Spanish. I also agree with the part of Rodrigo rather saving that little boy instead of blowing up the enemy. It really showed what kind of person Rodrigo was, he would sacrifice his life for the well being of others. I think that Rodrigo was a true hero aswell because not only didn he fight for what was right, but he impacted the younger group of the Indians with his bravery. The young Indians children saw and felt his impact on how he felt toward the Spanish and the children will now take that with them and fight on their own for what is right.

  32. The character I chose to talk about is Rodrigo Mendoza. At the beginning of the film Rodrigo Mendoza captured salves to trade them for money. His brother Felipe and fiancé betrayed him by having a relationship. He eventually killed his brother, which Mendoza took very hard. In his quest to clear his guilt for his brother’s murder, he carried armor up the falls. Rodrigo would not let the armor go until he reached to top of the falls. There he went through more change when he decided to become a Jesuit. He continued to grow when he stood up and told the Spanish Governor that he was lying (can’t remember about what). But, also apologized even though he thought the Governor was wrong. Rodrigo showed tremendous courage when he decided to fight with the Indians. Rodrigo died for something he truly believed in.

    Ebony. K

  33. Al John Jose
    Late work, but still wanted to contribute.

    Though I wanted to answer this question on Robert DeNiro's character, Rodrigo. Seeing Father Gabriel (Jeremy Irons) scene where he has united all the villagers in the middl. To show the Spaniards that these villagers mean no harm clicked something to me. Father Gabriel truly believed in the faith of the lord, a teaching thats he's held dear all of his life and has been teaching these people shows a different kind of courage. Most of us believe that Rodrigo was in the right by actually taking a stand and trying to fight off the Spaniards, but Father Gabriel took a stand the only way he really felt was necessary. He still went against the Spaniards wishes by not trying to send the villagers off and rebelled by showing trying to show the compassion and love for catholic religion. As someone who sees that violence will only lead to more violence, Father Gabriel made a bold stand by not running away from the evil, but trying to show them faith will lead them to a better place. But this is in a sense of a religious stand point.
