Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Updated Link to Forum Grades

Here's the link to the updated PDF of your forum grades.

For privacy, you'll need your student ID number to locate your grades.

Don't forget to go to WebAdvisor and correct your email address if you didn't receive the email from me last night.

If you'd like to improve your grade, you can add to what you've already posted for additional points. If you contacted me earlier about difficulties posting, don't worry, you can still post for full credit.

I'll hold the comments open until this coming Sunday at midnight.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Professor Boyle,
    I didn't get to go to your office during your office hours after class since I had a class to go right after.

    Can I get the work I missed on thurs, I was absent due to some personal issues, my fault about it.
    If you would take it into consideration to giving me the exam that was handed out on thurs, and an extension to the paper on relativism.

    Thank you,

